Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Social 50 Social S1 Health and Safety People are at the center of what we do. Our dedicated and talented employees, leaders, contractors, and S2 suppliers make the successful completion of our operations possible. In recognition of their invaluable Our People contributions to our Company’s success, we strive to S3 enhance the economic, social, and personal well-being of our team. For our global workforce, it is our goal to Training and Development provide an inclusive, safe, and satisfying workplace with best-in-class training, competitive benefits, and S4 career development opportunities that enable them to thrive and achieve their goals. Diversity, Equity, and We also rely on the support and goodwill of the Inclusion communities in which we operate — that’s why global citizenship is one of our guiding principles. It is our goal S5 to enhance the economic and social well-being of our employees and the communities where we live and Local Communities operate so we can leave a positive legacy. We stimulate economic activity, promote sound work practices, S6 share knowledge, train and develop local talent, and educate and inspire the next generation of talent who Human Rights may join our team.