Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Social 72 S6 Human Rights The incredible breadth of our operations and diversity of our workforce embodies our Company’s respect for the human rights and Our Human Rights dignity of all people. Halliburton supports Sustainability Commitment universal human rights, as defined by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Support universal human rights as defined by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights To that end, we comply with all applicable through fair and ethical employment practices and our employment laws, adhere to fair and ethical Code of Business Conduct. employment practices, and incorporate human rights into our policies on health, safety, and security. To read more about our beliefs and practices around human rights, including our Internal Human Rights Policy, please visit the Halliburton website. Our Human Rights Statement and COBC are also available on our website. 2021 HIGHLIGHTS Human Rights in the Supply Chain New and Emerging Human Rights To better screen suppliers for potential human rights risks Regulations and abuses, Halliburton launched two internally developed Halliburton complies with evolving regulations such as the tools to complement our new digital supplier management UK Modern Slavery Act and the newly introduced Australia system. These tools include: Modern Slavery Act, both of which require companies • Our human rights dashboard, which evaluates suppliers’ to disclose information on efforts to eradicate human risk at the product category, country, and spend level. trafficking and modern slavery from their business and This information can identify areas that require more global supply chains, including steps taken and controls detailed follow-up. put in place to address these human rights risks. Our • A more detailed human rights questionnaire that we statement of compliance with the UK Modern Slavery tailor to individual suppliers and their risk levels. The Act and our statement of compliance with the Australia questionnaire asks about topics such as forced labor, Modern Slavery Act are available on our website. child labor, migrant and contract workers, bonded labor, Halliburton monitors similar, emerging legislation around prison labor, subcontractors, and labor brokers, as well the world, such as that of the upcoming European Union as policies surrounding due diligence, training, working and Norway requirements. As more countries debut hours, recruitment fees, physical punishment, freedom human rights legislation, we will respond and confirm of movement, and use of security personnel. alignment with our policies and practices. For more information about our supply chain governance, please read Chapter G5 on Supply Chain in this report.

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