Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Social 54 Identification and Communication of HSE and SQ Risks Our Stop Work Authority (SWA) program authorizes all employees and contractors to stop a task if they observe unsafe actions or conditions, or if they have concerns regarding the controls over an HSE or SQ risk. In 2021, the number of SWA observations increased. Health and Safety Awareness and Training Programs Halliburton offered 638 health and safety training courses to our employees, who completed 705,739 total hours of training in 2021. To ensure that learning continued in a safe environment and that employees developed critical competencies despite the ongoing pandemic, we continued to transition to virtual training through our Learning Management System. In addition to training, Halliburton reinforces our safety culture through active safety awareness communications and targeted campaigns. As an example, last year all regions conducted campaigns highlighting hand and FACILITY CERTIFICATIONS IN 2021 finger safety — one of the most common hazards in our Number of Number of industry. We maintained a heightened awareness of hand countries Number countries Number Certifications with API of API Q1- with API of API Q2- and finger safety through communications that included Q1-certified certified Q2-certified certified safety meetings and structured hazard hunts. facilities facilities facilities facilities Lessons Learned and Incident TOTAL 6 16 14 27 Investigation HSE Recognition Incidents pose the biggest potential risks to our people. Introduced in 2020, our HSE Recognition program That is why it is important to focus on learning from each highlights the efforts of our people to advance incident. We are fortunate that, at Halliburton, we value improvements in HSE performance. This biannual award the opportunity to learn from and investigate incidents highlights the outstanding practices that employees share to avoid repeat occurrences and to support continuous across the organization. Here is an example of one of the improvement in our policies and practices. In 2021, 2021 initiatives that we recognized: Halliburton focused on two areas: 1. An investigation process that we manage through Zero HSE Incidents in Mexico for Major a tiered severity model, which ensures that we assign International Oil Company the appropriate level of support and management oversight based on the severity of the safety incident Through PSL collaboration, our team decreased and that we allocate our resources in the smartest, the number of personnel on offshore platforms most efficient way and vessels. Use of the management of change process with established roles and 2. A centralized, Company-wide Lessons Learned responsibilities enabled the team to achieve zero platform for sharing high-level alerts and learning HSE incidents. opportunities throughout the organization