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Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Introduction 12 Sustainability Commitments Topics Commitment Material issue Metrics • Achieve a 40% reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions • Climate change, GHG Climate by 2035 from 2018 baseline. emission reduction, • GHG emissions Change • Partner with Tier 1 suppliers to track and reduce energy efficiency, Scope 3 GHG emissions. alternative energy • Establish and achieve waste-reduction targets in our • Environmental Environmental major facilities. stewardship: water, • Waste disposal Improvements • Create water-use-improvement plans in our major waste, responsible • Water consumption facilities located in water-stressed areas. resource use, • Spill volume and rate biodiversity Value Creation • Lead the industry in innovation and conscientious • Economic Technologies stewardship of global resources. performance • R&D (patents and spend) and Solutions • Provide solutions that support decarbonizing our • Continuous • Financial performance / Continuous customers’ legacy production base. improvement Improvement • Support universal human rights as defined by the Human Rights United Nations Universal Declaration of Human • Human rights • Supply chain assessments Rights through fair and ethical employment practices and our Code of Business Conduct. • Target outperforming total recordable incident Occupational rate and lost-time incident rate in the International • Fatalities, injuries, high potential Safety — Association of Drilling Contractors sector • Health, safety, incidents and rates Journey to benchmarking. and wellness • HSE training hours ZERO • Achieve HSE training compliance >95%, driver • HSE training compliance competency >95% and 100% completion of our • Driver competency annual Journey to ZERO strategic objectives. • Training hours • Have a skilled and committed workforce by listening • Business Leadership Development Skilled and and responding to our employees’ feedback and Program and President’s Committed committing to an engaged workforce that feels • Benefits and Leadership Excellence Program Workforce valued with the right support and resources to compensation attendees be successful. • New hires (#, %) • Turnover rates • Engagement indices • Female % new hire by region • Provide a diverse, equitable, and inclusive • Diversity, equity, and • Localized workforce % by region Diversity, environment that upholds our core values of inclusion • Female diversity Equity, collaboration and respect, and provides all employees • Board leadership and • Board diversity and Inclusion opportunities for growth and development. inclusion • % female in STEM job roles • % of minorities in STEM job roles (U.S. only) • Streamline risk categories, risk identification, and risk management to ensure best alignment with • Corporate Halliburton strategy and place a critical focus on governance • Board independence Risk what matters most. • Business ethics and • Board meeting attendance Management • Enhance cross-functional visibility to and transparency • Risk matrix collaboration among key stakeholders throughout the • HSE • Security assessments organization to ensure consistency, uniformity, and • Information security, strategic approach to risk assessment, identification, data management and mitigation. • Conduct business with integrity, choosing the ethical • Corporate • Local Ethics Officers and Ethical course of action when confronted with challenging governance engagements/trainings Operations circumstances, promoting a speak-up culture • Business ethics • Ethics training free of retaliation, and treating our employees and and transparency • Code of Business Conduct stakeholders honestly and fairly. (COBC) statistics Supplier • Cultivate a sustainable supply chain through the • Tier 1 count and spend Conduct and continuous improvement of internal processes, • Supply chain • Spend with small and Responsible by performing proactive risk assessments and by sustainability diverse suppliers Procurement working collaboratively with our diverse mix of global • Local region spend % and local suppliers. Community • Enhance the social value of communities in which Relationships we live and work through effective engagement and • Local communities • Charitable giving social investment.

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