Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Introduction 13 During off-season engagement, Board members and Engagement management conducted video conferences with 18 shareholders representing about 40% of our shares and with the two largest proxy advisors, Institutional Halliburton maintains regular communications Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) and Glass Lewis. These included video conferences with Murry Gerber, Chair of in all relationships to ensure that our Board the Compensation Committee, or Robert Malone, Lead of Directors and our management receive Independent Director, and senior management. valuable input about our business performance, This off-season investor engagement program was in strategic priorities, and initiatives. In these addition to routine solicitation of shareholder feedback discussions, we use our Listen and Respond coincident with annual and quarterly reporting, earnings mainstay as a guiding principle. To support our conference calls, and investor meetings. Also, our senior outreach efforts and further our commitment management and Investor Relations team regularly hold meetings and conference calls with analysts, institutional to transparency, we invested in a new, robust investors, and ESG rating firms, among others. In 2021, website that we regularly update to share Halliburton participated in 13 sell-side conferences, three important information with our shareholders, non-deal roadshows, and approximately 300 investor customers, employees, and others. meetings that are all part of our ongoing shareholder outreach cadence. Shareholders Our senior management and directors presented shareholder feedback to the full Board of Directors for Halliburton values ongoing, open shareholder dialogue to discussion. As a result of these engagements and Board ensure that the Board and management have a regular pulse consideration of investor feedback, we made changes on investors’ views. This dialogue also provides valuable discussed in this report, including our enhanced Board feedback on how we can continue to improve. governance and 2022 annual executive incentive plan. Following our 2021 Annual Meeting, the Board (For more information about changes to our executive recommitted to more active shareholder engagement. compensation, please visit Chapter G1 on Corporate We enhanced shareholder communications, refreshed our Governance in this report.) shareholder presentation, opened additional availability for director video calls, and listened and responded to Institutional Investor magazine once again shareholders about possible changes to governance and executive compensation. recognized Halliburton in 2021 with these honors: All-American Executive Ranking as a In 2021, independent Board members offered and held Most-Honored Company, Best CFO, and Best off-season meetings with stewardship representatives Investor Relations. from our top shareholders to gain a better understanding of their priorities and concerns prior to the proxy voting season. We offered these meetings to 34 of our top Customers shareholders representing approximately 60% of our shares. Each received the opportunity to meet with Board Our business development team and product service lines members by video conference. For those unable to attend, (PSLs) meet regularly with our customers to understand we sent our refreshed shareholder presentation to each their requirements and concerns, including sustainability and offered follow-up. The updated materials highlighted topics. This input is critical to the investments that the latest information about our Board oversight and we make in research and development (R&D) for new corporate governance; executive compensation program; products and services, and to improve existing solutions. health, safety, and environment (HSE) performance To help our customers in their transitions to a lower- and strategies; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) carbon future, we work with them to provide solutions and performance and strategies; and our approach to energy services that reduce their emissions. transition. After receiving these new materials, additional shareholders accepted the offer to meet.