Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Social 64 Halliburton Opens a Mud Learning Lab at the University of Guyana In 2021, as part of an ongoing commitment to Our partnership with the university dates back promote our industry in Guyana, the Halliburton to 2019 when we signed a memorandum of Guyana team — which includes Global Business understanding (MOU) valued at $2 million. Under the Development, Landmark, and Baroid — launched the MOU, we seek to transfer our knowledge, expertise, Mud Learning Lab at the University of Guyana. and technology to help develop local talent and, particularly, to invest in the future of the students The team also provided a software grant that who will one day be the leaders of the energy will enable students and lecturers to train on the industry in Guyana and will shape the sustainability DecisionSpace® suite of petrotechnical applications of the industry. in drilling, geosciences, information management, and platform technology. This collaboration facilitates In Guyana, Halliburton employs more than 50 enhanced training for students of petroleum and nationals working as full-time employees and geological engineering, chemistry, and earth and more than 10 Guyanese Co-Op participants. With environmental sciences. Other aspects of the project our Company’s investment and partnership with include maintenance, training, and technical support the University of Guyana, these figures will continue for staff and student development. to grow. All-Angolan Halliburton Team Successfully Completes Deepwater Openhole Logging Operation Recently, the Wireline and Perforating Angola team successfully completed a deepwater openhole logging operation for a major international oil company in Angola. This project marked the first time that a crew comprising all Angolan nationals — two field engineers and four operators — serviced the rig. It was also the first time that an entirely local Angolan crew completed an openhole logging operation in Angolan deep water.

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