Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Report
Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Governance 16 G1 Corporate Governance The Board of Directors has adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines to define the governance structure for the Company’s business. The Board reviews these guidelines annually and revises when appropriate to lead our actions and business decisions for our shareholders’ benefit. 2021 HIGHLIGHTS Board Experience and Diversity Our Halliburton Board of Directors brings a diverse range of backgrounds and in-depth experience in publicly held and private businesses, start-up entrepreneurship, academia, science, government, and governance to the work of overseeing our Company’s long-term strategy. The Board includes current and former chief executive officers of public and private companies, executive board chairs, and a university president. Our Board members’ experience crosses multiple industries, including energy, finance, science, technology, legal, human resources, and HSE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (1-Audit Committee, 2-Compensation Committee, 3-Health, Safety and Environment Committee, 4-Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee) Abdulaziz F. Al William E. M. Katherine Alan M. Milton (3,4) (2,3) (1,3) (1,4) (2,4) Khayyal Albrecht Banks Bennett Carroll Retired Senior Vice President President of Moncrief President of Texas Retired President and Chief Retired Executive Chairman of Industrial Relations of Energy, LLC A&M University Executive Officer of H&R of the Board of CenterPoint Saudi Aramco Block, Inc. Energy, Inc. Murry S. Robert A. Jeffrey A. Bhavesh V. (1,2) (2,4) (1,3) Gerber Malone Miller Patel Retired Executive Chairman of Executive Chairman, President Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer of the Board of EQT Corporation and Chief Executive Officer of President and Chief Executive W.R. Grace First Sonora Bancshares, Inc. Officer of Halliburton Earl M. Tobi M. Patricia Cummings* Edwards Young* (2,4) Hemingway Hall** Managing Partner of MCM Senior Vice President, Global Retired President and Chief Houston Properties, LLC and Privacy, Government Affairs, Executive Officer of Health Chief Executive Officer of and Chief Regulatory Care Service Corporation BTS Team, Inc. Attorney of Cognizant Technology Solutions * Directors added to our Board on February 23, 2022, and will be appointed to Committees of the Board on May 18, 2022. ** Patricia Hemingway Hall has decided not to stand for re-election to the Board, due solely to a personal decision related to health and travel issues associated with the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, and endemic, and will continue as a Director until her term ends on May 18, 2022.