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Climate Change

Halliburton mitigates the impacts of climate change through innovation and collaboration.

Halliburton recognizes that lower emissions are essential to meeting the goals of the Paris Accord. We also recognize that affordable, secure energy is key to global economic development, and oil and gas has an important role to achieve these goals. We have inspiring work underway to reduce emissions, improve efficiency, and advance clean energy development because we are committed to a sustainable, secure and equitable energy future.

We have committed to a science-informed target for a 40 percent reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2035 from our 2018 baseline.
Halliburton actively participates in advancing a sustainable energy future

Halliburton has a long-term investment in cleaner, affordable energy. Halliburton Labs is our innovative commitment to the science and continued evolution of sustainable, reliable energy. It is a collaborative environment where entrepreneurs, academics, investors, and industrial labs come together to advance cleaner, affordable energy.


Strategy: Innovation

  • We are embedding consideration of climate change risks and sustainability in research and development processes.
  • Our teams are collaborating with research organizations and educational institutions to further the development of sustainable solutions for the energy industry.
  • We are continuing our support for the development of public policy and regulation at the global, regional, and local level that is rational, market-based, and efficient at addressing climate change risks while ensuring the continued availability of reliable and affordable energy. 


Strategy: Value chain 

  • Halliburton is developing products and services that enable customers to reduce environmental impacts throughout the asset life cycle. 
  • We are assisting customers in effectively utilizing our entire portfolio of products and services to help reduce GHG emissions. 
  • We are working with suppliers to reduce the environmental impacts of their operations and reduce the GHG emissions of their products — during and at the end of their useful lives.


Strategy: Direct operations 

  • In our own operations, we are reducing GHG emissions from our own activities while maintaining the safety and efficiency of our operations. 
  • We are continually evaluating the impacts of changing weather and climate on our direct operations and developing appropriate sustainable strategies. 
  • We are engaging our employees on climate change issues and the actions they can take to reduce GHG emissions.


Strategy: Compliance and transparency

  • Halliburton is ensuring compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Our progress toward effective sustainability and stewardship of our business and the advancement of these goals is being regularly reported.