REDUCE ENVIRONMENTA L IMPACT AND CO 2 FOOTPRINT The BaraHib TIS is environmentally friendly, helping to reduce CO 2 footprint by only adding the products required instead of large dilution volumes. It contains enhanced polymeric additives, which provide drill cuttings encapsulation, improving cuttings integrity and efficient cuttings removal. This aids operators to reduce dilution rates and minimize waste management costs. The system can be customized with degradable, non-chloride salts to allow land farming of drill cuttings while protecting the environment . After Tracking Neutral Amine Tracking Quaternary Amine 0 2 4 6 8 10 lb/ bbl Identified Quaternary Amine Inhibitor TARGET IDENTIFIED CONCENTRATION TRACKING LEVEL 1 CAPABILITY | Level 2 Capability (if applicable) Drilling Fluids | High-Performance Water-based Systems For more information, contact your local Halliburton representative or visit us on the web at Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the contract between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale. H013471 03/20 © 2020 Halliburton. All Rights Reserved.