Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Social 58 Prioritization of Mental Health Over the last two years, the public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has created and exacerbated Increase in Access (by Number many hardships for millions of people around the world. of Employees), During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, From to employees cited mental health issues — such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, grief, and bereavement — as their major concerns, second in importance only to financial concerns, via employee surveys. With the North America: 2 countries pandemic persisting for nearly two years, our workforce Middle East / continues to grapple with these issues. Latin America: Asia: 24 countries 2 countries Halliburton has worked diligently to address these emergent concerns by increasing access to our Europe / Employee Assistance Program (EAP) globally. Our Africa / CIS: 15 countries EAP offers confidential help and support to employees — at no cost to them — for a range of personal and professional challenges. Between 2020 and 2021, Halliburton expanded access to EAP services from six countries — the U.S., the UK, Canada, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and Australia — to an additional 37 countries across Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and the Asia-Pacific region. Our in-house EAP team is in discussions to further expand the EAP throughout Europe and Latin America. Throughout the pandemic, the Halliburton EAP team has maintained a monthly web series called Lessons for Australia Life that feature experts who address a variety of topics related to mental health. In 2021, presentations covered In September 2021, Halliburton launched topics such as Let’s Talk Mental Health, Finding Hope in R U OK? Day — a national program in the Midst of Loss, Effective Communication, COVID-19 Australia to raise awareness of suicide and Substance Abuse, and Estate Planning in the Wake prevention — to encourage employees of a Pandemic. to check in with their family members, friends, and colleagues to inquire about Halliburton expanded other mental health initiatives their well-being. Throughout the country, around the world as well. We increased our output of we held morning teas that featured video mental health content, which includes: messages from our area manager. During the teas, employees discussed mental • Mental Health First Aid training and certification health and had the opportunity to share programs in the UK and the U.S. personal stories. Each week, we gave • Quarterly EAP newsletters that we distribute in multiple toolbox support resources about mental health to our crews. markets to raise mental health awareness and engagement globally Additionally, we organized weekly Zoom • Global mental health campaign for World Mental webinars on mental health awareness Health Day in which we delivered consistent that were led by health professionals, and we created a Yammer page to create messaging globally to all employees to raise a sense of community across this region, mental health awareness in which we regularly share mental health tools and resources. We also introduced mental-health first aiders in our Australia locations.