Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Environmental 36 E3 Sustainable Energy Evolution Halliburton provides the world with access to Our Value Creation affordable and reliable energy in parallel with our Technologies and Solutions / work to support the transition to a lower-carbon Continuous Improvement future. To do this, we deploy our world-class Sustainability Commitments technical expertise, resources, and versatile capabilities to develop new technologies that • Lead the industry in innovation and conscientious stewardship of global minimize our environmental impact. Our most resources. significant contribution toward our sustainability • Provide solutions that support decarbonizing goals is to help customers reduce their own our customers’ legacy production base. environmental impact by using our oilfield technologies. To learn about our vast product and service portfolio, please visit the Halliburton website. 2021 HIGHLIGHTS Sustainability in the R&D Process The LIFECYCLE process, which governs new product R&D, incorporates all of our Company’s major functions, including technology, manufacturing, product management, marketing, and operations. We use this process to improve our product and service solutions, mitigate risks, and review project progress at stage gates. Embedded within the LIFECYCLE process is sustainability. At the critical stage gates of product inception, detailed design, and commercialization, we consider the following: • People and environmental safety • Operational footprint • Human capital requirements • Overall product lifecycle • Manufacturing, storage, and transportation costs • Cybersecurity • Emissions during manufacturing and use Coinciding with sustainability reviews at project kickoff, detailed design, and commercialization, our governance board also provides a thorough review of environmental impacts, along with business case, risks, time to market, and product development costs. The insertion of these reviews into the process maximizes the influence of sustainability considerations on product development. PROGRAM SANCTIONING BUSINESS CASE DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION LAUNCH COMMERCIALIZATION 0 INITIATION GATE 1 GATE 2 APPROVAL GATE 3 RELEASE GATE 4 RELEASE GATE 5 GATE 6 REVIEW STAGE 0 STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 STAGE 5 ASSESSMENT DEFINITION DESIGN/BUILD/QUALIFY VERIFICATION VALIDATION COMMERCIALIZATION SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY

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