Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Environmental 30 E2 Environmental Management We use the Halliburton Management Our Environmental System (HMS) to manage environmental Improvements Sustainability risks and identify opportunities to mitigate Commitments our environmental impact. It encompasses • Establish and achieve waste-reduction targets in our a comprehensive set of policies, business major facilities. practices, and procedures for how we work, • Create water-use-improvement plans in our major including how to reduce our energy use and facilities located in water-stressed areas. GHG emissions, improve water quality and conservation, use chemicals in environmentally safe ways, decrease waste, protect the quality and biodiversity of our environment, and manage environmental practices in our supply chain. To read about the HMS in more detail, please visit the Halliburton Management System section of our website. 2021 HIGHLIGHTS Facility Certifications Environmental Incidents The HMS, along with all associated processes and The majority of reported environmental incidents procedures, conforms to industry-standard certification are spills that occur at Halliburton facilities and field programs, including ISO 14001 and API RP 75. Individual locations. In 2021, we had no significant environmental Halliburton facilities and PSLs are externally certified noncompliance spill incidents and no significant to ISO 14001, based on business requirements. In 2021, environmental fines. 73 Halliburton facilities held ISO 14001 certifications, representing 17% of our active global properties. Recordable Environmental Incident Rate Environmental Awareness Training Incidents per 200,000 hours worked In 2021, we initiated a campaign to raise awareness of environmental compliance and stewardship. We provided 2019 0.03 our workforce with a training module focused on environmental compliance and reporting. The campaign aimed to ensure that all employees, regardless of their 2020 0.02 roles, understand their impacts on the environment and their stewardship responsibilities. 2021 0.02