Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Governance 21 G3 Ethics and Compliance Respect and integrity serve as the foundation Our Ethics and Compliance of our brand and underpin everything that we Sustainability Commitment do. To maintain these core values, Halliburton Conduct business with integrity, choosing the ethical has a longstanding ethics and compliance course of action when confronted with challenging program administered by our Global Ethics circumstances, promoting a speak-up culture free of and Compliance group under the leadership retaliation, and treating our employees and stakeholders honestly and fairly. of the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer and, ultimately, the Audit Committee. This program includes our COBC, Ethics Helpline, and whistleblower protections. To learn more about these programs please visit the Halliburton website. The full text of our COBC, which is available in 13 languages, can be accessed on the COBC page on our website. Number of Local Ethics Officers in 2021: 2021 HIGHLIGHTS 55 Ethics and Compliance Training COBC Training Halliburton requires all employees and contractors with Participants* access to our systems to complete in-person or online COBC training every two years. We rely on our Local 2019 43,792 Ethics Officers (LEOs) to supplement this education by maintaining awareness of ethics and compliance issues 2020 45,989 on an ongoing basis and serving as a resource for our 2021 50,634 employees and contractors. We have 55 LEOs in 40 countries who model ethical behavior, answer questions, * Participants include employees, contractors, and consultants who provide guidance, take reports of suspected misconduct, took the training during 2021. and deliver quarterly Ethics Moments and biweekly Ethics Topics. In 2021, LEOs conducted 2,699 presentations. Enhanced Procurement Fraud Training in Countries This year, Halliburton provided relevant, timely, and Designated as High-Risk for Procurement Fraud targeted virtual ethics and compliance training to Participants employees around the globe — and our LEOs played a critical part in this accomplishment. 2019 1,433 2020 1,637 2021 1,703