Halliburton 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report Governance 20 Cybersecurity Halliburton subscribes to best-practice design philosophies for IT systems that include “zero trust,” which The frequency and sophistication of global attacks on uses techniques such as: corporate IT systems containing sensitive information • Multi-factor authentication to verify the credentials of have increased. Halliburton takes each threat seriously users’ identities and devices and dedicates significant resources to protect our IT systems and data, in alignment with industry security • “Defense in depth,” which puts in place multiple layers standards, such as the International Organization for of protection Standardization (ISO) 27001 and the National Institute of • “Least privilege,” which limits the content that individual Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53. In response, users can access our Board of Directors now receives quarterly updates on cybersecurity matters, and our Audit Committee receives Our cybersecurity team includes thought leaders an annual, in-depth review. who expand knowledge of their expertise. Team members contributed to the following publications for The Landmark iEnergy® platform completed a System the World Economic Forum Cyber Resilience in Oil and and Organization Controls (SOC 2) Type 1 audit for security Gas community: and availability. An SOC 2 Type 1 audit evaluates and • Cyber Resilience in the Oil and Gas Industry: Playbook certifies design effectiveness of IT system controls. for Boards and Corporate Officers The platform is currently undergoing an SOC 2 Type 2 audit, which certifies that controls are in place and • Advancing Supply Chain Security in Oil and Gas: An working as designed. Industry Analysis Through the pandemic, as employees work remotely and access our Company systems, stringent security measures are vital to protect our computing assets, Halliburton employees share their networks, data, and users. A key initiative to further knowledge and contribute to many strengthen our security posture and improve user experience and productivity is upgrading our Enterprise industry organizations. In 2021, Identity and Access Management solution. our Chief Information Security In addition to our own asset protection, we work with Officer served as board member our customers to provide assurance of adequate and treasurer for the Oil and operational technology (OT) security by participating in International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Natural Gas Information Sharing 62443-based assessments. and Analysis Center (ONG-ISAC), an organization that shares intelligence Physical Security on cybersecurity incidents, threats, Workplace Violence Prevention vulnerabilities, and best practices to improve security measures within Our employees’ safety is paramount at Halliburton, and the maintenance of a secure and safe workplace is one companies throughout our industry. of our key priorities. Fundamental to our workplace safety is commitment to our Code of Business Conduct (COBC) and established security controls. Additionally, we regularly communicate with employees and managers on how to recognize, report, and manage threats of violence. In 2021, our Corporate Security team developed and delivered targeted training modules for key staff members to enhance our ability to respond to threats of violence. We recognize that early identification and pragmatic management of these incidents are crucial factors to reduce and mitigate the risk of violence occurring in the workplace.